Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Small Island Irony in Madura

Sangat disayangkan. Itulah kalimat yang tepat dalam menggambarkan kepedulian segenap stakeholder  lokal (masyarakat, "peneliti" dan pemangku kebijakan) terkait dengan besarnya potensi pulau-pulau kecil, mangrove dan wisata yang ada di Madura, khususnya Kabupaten Sumenep. Betapa tidak, ekosistem pulau kecil dan mangrove  tersebut merupakan sebuah entitas yang merupakan keunggulan kompatif dan kompetitif , tidak hanya di Madura tetapi juga di Jawa Timur. Betapa tidak, data yang diperoleh dari DKP Jawa Timur 2008) menyebutkan pulau-pulau kecil yang ada di Madura sebagai yang terbesar jumlahnya di Jawa Timur (125 pulau kecil). Tidak hanya itu, terdapat 26 jenis mangrove langka berdasarkan red list IUCN ditemukan di Pulau Sepanjang, salah satu pulau kecil di gugus Pulau Sapeken (Suharjono dan Rugayah, 2007). Fakta tersebut hanya sebagian kecil, kenyataan yang menunjukkan betapa penting dan menariknya kedua ekosistem tersebut. Kondisi tersebut sangat ironis, jika dilihat dari kecilnya minat dari stakeholder lokal, untuk memanfaatkan kedua ekosistem tersebut, berupa pengembangan wisata dan lokasi penelitian. Sampai saat ini kajian ilmiah terkait dengan kondisi ekologi, sosial dan ekonomi  kedua ekosistem tersebut  banyak dilakukan oleh ITS, UNAIR dan Univ. Brawijaya. Padahal di Madura sendiri, Univ. Trunojoyo sebagai perguruan tinggi memiliki ahli-ahli (belum pakar) di bidang kelautan. Namun anehnya, kompetensi jurusan ilmu kelautan yang ada di Univ. Trunojoyo tidak mengacu pada keunggulan resources based tersebut, disaat universitas besar lainnya berlomba-lomba untuk mengkaji segenap potensi pulau kecil di Madura.

Framework development for beach management in the British Virgin Islands

Development pressures along with a growing tourism industry threaten ecological sustainability and long-term commercial success of beaches and nearby coastal habitats in the British Virgin Islands (BVI). Legislation pertaining to beach management is limited and specific management plans for beaches are non-existent. Using four key components: dimensional analysis, planning, management and monitoring, the foundation in which to formulate a framework for integrated coastal zone management with a focus on beaches is developed. In order to examine and test the viability of this foundation, two different BVI beaches are used as case studies.
@ 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ecosystem Service Definition (Agus Romadhon)

Sering sekali, terdapat kesalahan dalam mengartikan ecosystem service. Berikut beberapa definisi ecosystem service (jasa ekosistem) yang diacu dari beberapa jurnal dan buku yang membahas tentang ecosystem service
  • ecosystem services are; an understanding of the key characteristics or behaviors of these ecosystems and their services; and an understanding of the decision context in which the ecosystem services concept will be used (METHODS Defining and classifying ecosystem services for decision making Brendan Fishera, R. Kerry Turnera, Paul Morling. j.ecolecon.2008.09.014)
  • the conditions and processes through which natural ecosystems, and the species that make them up, sustain and fulfill human life (Daily, G.C., 1997. Introduction: what are ecosystem services. In: Daily, G.C. (Ed.), Nature's Services. Island Press, Washington DC, pp. 1–10.)
  • the benefits human populations derive, directly or indirectly, from ecosystem functions (Costanza, R., dArge, R., et al., 1997. The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital. Nature 387 (6630), 253–260.
  • the benefits people obtain from ecosystems (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 2005. Washington, DC, Island Press).

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mangrove macrobenthos: Assemblages, services, and linkages

Macrobenthic assemblages are relatively poorly known compared to other components of the mangrove ecosystem. Tropical mangroves support macrobenthic biodiversity resources yet to be properly documented and interpreted. Some methodological challenges, such as the generally high spatial heterogeneity and complexity of the habitat, evidently reduce sampling efficiency and accuracy, while also leaving some microhabitats under-sampled. Macrobenthic assemblage structure seems to be influenced by local environmental conditions, such as hydroperiod, organic matter availability and sediment characteristics. Brachyurans, gastropods and oligochaetes dominate in the sediment, with the former two groups also common on hard surfaces provided by tree trunks, while insects and arachnids inhabit the canopy. Traditionally, studies of mangrove macrobenthos have focused on assemblage structure or the biology of individual species, but more complex inter-specific interactions and the inter-relationship between habitat and the biota are recently being addressed. Brachyuran crabs are the best-studied macrobenthos group, but many
issues about their role in mangrove ecosystem dynamics are still controversial. Despite many species of mangrove macrobenthos being referred to as ‘trophic dead ends’, most serve as important links between recalcitrant mangrove organic matter and estuarine secondary production, through feeding excursion by mobile nekton during the high tide, and macrobenthos-mediated processing and exportation of organic matter. A significant difference in the standing crop biomass of forests between the Indo-west-Pacific (IWP)' and Atlantic-east-Pacific (AEP) mangroves may be related to the difference in species richness of mangrove as well as macrobenthos diversity in the two bioregions. Such differences in assemblage structure may also result in different ecosystem functioning, but the nature of the links is, however, yet to be explored. There is also a strong need for evaluating mangrove macrobenthos assemblages as a component of the connected biotic resources in the land-sea continuum, rather than as an isolated faunal group.


Penelitian yang akan dilakukan merupakan upaya untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan rehabilitasi mangrove dalam memulihkan fungsi ekologis ekosistem mangrove, khususnya terhadap keberadaan biota yang ada. Rehabilitasi mangrove yang sering digunakan sebagai metode untuk memulihkan fungsi ekologis mangrove tidak dapat menjamin kembalinya keseluruhan fungsi ekologis dengan barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan. Metode penilaian yang dilakukan selama ini untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan rehabilitasi mangrove hanya terbatas pada penilaian tingkat pertumbuhan dan indeks nilai penting dari ekosisitem mangrove yang telah direhabilitasi tanpa melihat keberlanjutan fungsi ekologis yang akan dipulihkan, meliputi fungsi sebagai feeding ground, spawning ground dan nesting ground bagi sejumlah biota. Untuk mengukur keberlanjutan fungsi ekologis tersebut digunakan pendekatan preferensi biota melalui parameter catch per unit effort (CPUE), kelimpahan biota, keanekaragaman biota dan jumlah fauna yang ditemukan di kawasan mangrove yang telah direhabilitasi. Melalui pendekatan ini diharapkan akan diketahui metode penilaian yang lebih baik terhadap efektivitas rehabilitasi dalam memulihkan fungsi ekologis ekosisitem mangrove